Revolutionize Mileage Tracking like a Pro with Gorilla Expense
Are you dealing with antiquated mileage monitoring techniques that reduce your productivity? Put an end to this outdated way and switch to a seamless Mileage Capture Feature by Gorilla Expense.
Gorilla Expense‘s automatic mileage capture feature effortlessly documents every mile, making your mileage tracking a breeze. Want to know how you can make your mileage tracking quick and efficient? Just follow these three simple steps:
- Maintain mileage rates for various bands that include combinations of Distance and Engine Size.
- Assign the user on the user profile the Engine Type and indicate what type of mileage they will be doing.
- Once the user enters their start and end point, our system will recognize the route, calculate the distance, and instantly update your expenses.
Admins as well as users can run a report to see how many miles are consumed for the selected date range. Tracking mileage is now easy, seamless, and accurate – just the Gorilla Expense way. To learn more about Mileage Range, read our blog here.
At Gorilla Expense, we believe in stamping out difficulties that make expense management a hassle and hinder employee productivity. Reconstruct your expense reporting and expense management systems with us.
To know more about such features, click here.