Mobile Expense Reporting – Making Your SmartPhone Smarter
The new and updated Gorilla Expense Pro mobile app makes your smartphone smarter when it comes to expenses. The app is powerful in its capabilities, yet simple to use for travelers and managers. Users will be able to submit entire expense reports from the mobile device without having to get in front of a computer.
We even have a challenge based on how easy it is to use this app to submit expenses. it is called the ‘Complete your expense reports in 7 seconds or less’ challenge! Try it out and post your feedback on Twitter. Use the #7secondchallenge hashtag so that we can promote your tweet.
So, how does this new mobile app work? What are the key features? Lets take a look under the hood….
The Mobile App
The app is available for iPhone, iPad and Android phones. Once the app is downloaded, the user enters the username and password (same as web application). Once logged in to the app, the user is presented with 4 buttons on the home page of the mobile app, as shown below.
By clicking on the ‘Expenses’ button, the user can submit individual line item expenses. This is described in more detail below in the ‘Expenses’ section. The ‘Reports’ button is where users can create and submit an entire expense report from the device. An expense report can consist of multiple individual transactions. These transactions could be a mix of corporate card transactions and out of pocket expenses.
Gorilla Expense Pro
The expenses button is used to create individual line item transactions. These transactions include the receipt, expense type categorization, vendor, amount, other co-workers that were part of the expense, like a Meals expense type and other fields. Once the transactions care created, they are ‘uploaded’ and can then be ‘dragged and dropped’ into an expense report.
The app provides for three options to create/submit expenses, as shown in the 3 tabs in the screenshot below: Mobile, Bank and Email. Their functions are described below.