Finance Speak – The Weirdest Items in an Expense Report Contest – Winner!
We received many entries for this contest that was kicked off on the 27th of April.
The winner is a manufacturing company based in Kansas City, MO with 350 employees. The weirdest item entry was submitted by a Partner in the company. She says ‘One of our employees was doing all of his laundry on trips and I mean all of it. Even on short 2 day trips. He charged the expenses to Misc-expenses to hide them. While they went unnoticed initially, soon enough we found Misc-expenses to be a sizeable percentage in many reports leading to questions. We now have a better way of catching these discrepancies‘. Congratulations to the winner. They will receive a free subscription to our solution for 1 year!
Thanks to all the participants for sending their entries in. Keep a lookout for other promotions and contests that we will be running!